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Savings & Investments

We have an excellent range of fixed interest accounts


Peace of mind


Regular savings

Most people have dreams of where they would like to be in the future. Whether it be a new home, paying for children’s education, new car or boat etc. One of the most straight forward ways of achieving this is by regular savings.

We have access to the world’s leading savings platforms and can give professional unbiased advice as to your needs. We have clients who save from a few dollars a month to many, many thousands. After an initial consultation we will professionally assess a person’s current situation and future prospects. This enables us to produce tailor made savings programs.

Lump sum and portfolio management

There is a huge range of offshore investments available. It can be complicated and stressful to even begin to know where to start. If done badly it can result in poor returns and unnecessary taxation.

Whatever the level you wish to invest we will show you the very best investments whilst at the same time as safe as possible from the world’s leading financial institutions. We have clients who have invested from a few hundred dollars to those who invest in the millions.

Whatever your situation we have the expertise to provide flexible solutions whilst at the same time providing financial security with excellent returns. Everyone is different and are looking for different things in life. Our advice is tailor made to suit each individual situation.

financial management
expat financial planning

Retirement planning

Expats in the main have to make their own provisions for retirement. With over thirty years experience in this field we are able to offer a clear pathway to the future to take advantage of the tax advantages of living abroad. The benfits of an offshore pension include:

• Tax Free growth
• More flexibility – there are far more things that can be invested in
• Benefits can be taken when and how you want them
• No need to buy an annuity
• No minimum retirement age
• Can be taken from country to country

Pension transfers (QROPS)

For those with a UK based pension it can make sense to transfer it overseas. This is known as a QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme). Although not suitable for everyone, whatever your situation it is still worth letting our pension experts advise accordingly. Pension funds left in the UK are heavily taxed and are very limited as to what can be invested in. The benefits of a QROPS pension scheme can include:

• Reduction in the amount of income tax paid
• No inheritance tax
• No need to buy an annuity
• Provides a greater tax free lump sum
• Can be passed in full to the beneficiaries of your choice

Rules and regulations of a QROPS are forever changing. Therefore it is essential to have experts that can navigate you in the right direction.

pension transfers
life insurance

Life insurance

Finding the tight life insurance can be a daunting task but it should be part of your long term financial planning.

It is to provide you, your family and loved one peace of mind in the event of your untimely death. We can advise on the different types with our wide range of partners that are tailored to your individual needs.

We can provide term cover, life cover as well as critical illness cover.

For the very best in savings and investment advice just click here

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